
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Episode 10 of the #mfltwitterati podcast, the long awaited Mandarin Chinese special is finally out! A bumper edition showcasing a variety of voices involved in the Mandarin Excellence Programme as well as schools celebrating Chinese culture including Chinese New Year and the Willow Pattern Story. We also hear from US Language Teacher of 2018, Ying Jin on her thoughts on non-native teachers teaching Mandarin.
Noah and I share some useful tools for the languages classroom too namely Certifyem and Charlala in this episode. We'd love to receive some audio feedback about these for inclusion in a forthcoming episode. We also announce an exciting new French A' Level resource from our sponsor, Linguascope and give a shout out to The Language Show and ACTFL too.
Our TechTalk interview for this episode features the inspirational Suzi Bewell who describes the challenge of learning Chinese from scratch in China and then going on to teach it back in England along with her other languages.
Full show notes with clickable timestamps can be found at: https://mfltwitteratipodcast.com/EP10
You can follow Joe (@joedale) and Noah (@SenorG) on Twitter, and follow the hashtag #mfltwitteratipodcast for more info. You can also email us with questions or ideas, info@mfltwitteratipodcast.com and subscribe to our newsletter to keep updated about the latest episode.
If you’ve enjoyed this episode of the #mfltwitterati podcast, please rate and review us on Apple’s Podcasts app so more language teachers can find us. You can subscribe to the #mfltwitterati podcast on the Apple Podcasts app, Google podcasts, Spotify, Overcast or Stitcher or wherever you listen to your podcasts. For more information and links, go to our podcast site mfltwitteratipodcast.com where there are lots of references to this episode content and all the previous episodes too!
The #mfltwitterati podcast – Celebrating the voices of the modern language teaching community!
Thank you for listening!
Joe and Noah

Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Episode 9 of the #mfltwitterati podcast focuses on the power of international collaboration for promoting language learning and widening students' horizons. You'll hear a range of inspirational voices from the language teaching community at both primary and secondary levels showcasing many amazing examples of how global connections can make language learning more real and purposeful. Mentions of British Council programmes such as eTwinning, Connecting Classrooms and Erasmus Plus feature heavily throughout the episode and we sincerely thank all those kind teachers who have shared their reflections so generously.
If you've ever been curious about how to find a partner school and set up some international collaboration opportunities for your students, this episode should provide you with plenty of food for thought on how to get started!
Our TechTalk interview for this episode is a case in point and features Florentina Popescu and Marina Pozo who share many ways they have incorporated global connections into their classrooms. Through Skype calls, penpal letters, an adventurous teddy, a web tv show and a face to face visit, they have achieved real impact on their children's attitudes to the value of language learning and being connected with international peers.
Full show notes with clickable timestamps can be found at: https://mfltwitteratipodcast.com/EP9
You can follow Joe (@joedale) and Noah (@SenorG) on Twitter, and follow the hashtag #mfltwitteratipodcast for more info. You can also email us with questions or ideas, info@mfltwitteratipodcast.com and subscribe to our newsletter to keep updated about the latest episode.
If you’ve enjoyed this episode of the #mfltwitterati podcast, please rate and review us on Apple’s Podcasts app so more language teachers can find us. You can subscribe to the #mfltwitterati podcast on the Apple Podcasts app, Google podcasts, Spotify, Overcast or Stitcher or wherever you listen to your podcasts. For more information and links, go to our podcast site mfltwitteratipodcast.com where there are lots of references to this episode content and all the previous episodes too!
The #mfltwitterati podcast – Celebrating the voices of the modern language teaching community!
Thank you for listening!
Joe and Noah

Saturday Aug 24, 2019
Saturday Aug 24, 2019
We begin episode 8 with a heartfelt tribute to a fellow podcaster and edtech enthusiast who sadly passed away earlier this month followed by recommendations on digital planners to help listeners get organised for the new academic year. Noah announces the exciting free online World Language Teacher Summit conference (#WLTS19) starting next month including over 30 presentations from the US and beyond.
Next we hear an inspiring story from a languages teacher who wanted to see what impact taking a GCSE in Spanish from scratch would have on him as a language learner and his department's pedagogical approach. Noah highlights some more of Meredith White's innovative practice in using authentic resources and Flipgrid for promoting speaking.
For the Show and Tell section of this episode, we explore the use of mysteries and escape rooms in the languages classroom and showcase a range of examples from practitioners which have proved to be successfully challenging and purposeful.
Our TechTalk interview follows the same theme and features self-proclaimed escape room nerd Graham Stanley from the British Council who shares some fascinating insights based on his recent research and experimentations. A must listen for anyone interested in trying out escape rooms in their classrooms.
Full show notes with clickable timestamps can be found at: https://mfltwitteratipodcast.com/EP8
You can follow Joe (@joedale) and Noah (@SenorG) on Twitter, and follow the hashtag #mfltwitteratipodcast for more info. You can also email us with questions or ideas, info@mfltwitteratipodcast.com and subscribe to our newsletter to keep updated about the latest episode.
If you’ve enjoyed this episode of the #mfltwitterati podcast, please rate and review us on Apple’s Podcasts app so more language teachers can find us. You can subscribe to the #mfltwitterati podcast on the Apple Podcasts app, Google podcasts, Spotify, Overcast or Stitcher or wherever you listen to your podcasts. For more information and links, go to our podcast site mfltwitteratipodcast.com where there are lots of references to this episode content and all the previous episodes too!
The #mfltwitterati podcast – Celebrating the voices of the modern language teaching community!
Thank you for listening!
Joe and Noah

Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
In episode 7, we take a deep dive into the power of music and song in the languages classroom and showcase lots of great ideas from the community. We announce the winner of our Linguascope competition too and share some sweet ideas on using Skittles as a language learning tool.
Noah gives a shoutout to the flexible wheelofnames site and I champion the inspiring ConnectLingo Windows app made by a group of sixth formers designed to help students revise for their French and German speaking exams.
Our TechTalk interview is with Paco Fernández, a passionate languages teacher and lead practitioner currently working at the CAM Academy Trust. Paco passes on many helpful tips that he finds to be successful in his classroom about learning grammar in context and being active amongst other topics.
Full show notes with clickable timestamps can be found at: https://mfltwitteratipodcast.com/EP7
If you've enjoyed this episode of the #mfltwitterati podcast, please rate and review us on Apple's Podcasts app so more language teachers can find us. You can subscribe to the #mfltwitterati podcast on the Apple Podcasts app, Google podcasts, Spotify, Overcast or Stitcher or wherever you listen to your podcasts. For more information and links, go to our podcast site mfltwitteratipodcast.com where there are lots of references to this episode content and all the previous episodes too!
The #mfltwitterati podcast - Celebrating the voices of the modern language teaching community!
Thank you for listening!
Joe and Noah

Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
For episode 6 of the #mfltwitterati podcast, we've gone football crazy, with nearly a full match's worth of content exploring how the beautiful game can be exploited in the languages classroom. There are also two competitions for you to take part in, a discount offer from Linguascope and two exclusive contributions from the BBC no less!
We have some lovely feedback to play you too in this episode. Thank you so much as always for all your tweets, 5* iTunes reviews and SpeakPipes. We really appreciate your support.
For this episode's TechTalk interview, Noah and I chat with Vincent Everett, Head of Languages at Northgate High School in Norfolk. Vincent describes how he has been flipping his classroom to help students prepare for their GCSE examinations. He gives a shout out to the Association for Language Learning's suite of wikis which are full of free and useful resources made by teachers for teachers. Finally he demos live a technique he employs for extending speaking through chunking and reducing cognitive load live with Noah. My favourite part of the interview!
Full show notes with clickable timestamps can be found at: https://mfltwitteratipodcast.com/EP6
If you've enjoyed this episode of the #mfltwitterati podcast, please rate and review us on Apple's Podcasts app so more language teachers can find us. You can subscribe to the #mfltwitterati podcast on the Apple Podcasts app, Google podcasts, Spotify, Overcast or Stitcher or wherever you listen to your podcasts. For more information and links, go to our podcast site mfltwitteratipodcast.com where there are lots of references to this episode content and all the previous episodes too!
The #mfltwitterati podcast - Celebrating the voices of the modern language teaching community!
Thank you for listening!
Joe and Noah

Tuesday May 21, 2019
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Episode 5 of the #mfltwitterati podcast is jam-packed full of amazing ideas around the use of mnemonics in the languages classroom. We also hear about the recent #mfltwitterati conference and forthcoming Badge Summit and explore how Wakelet could be a useful tool for collecting resources, enabling collaboration and sharing podcasts with a cool Spotify hack! Noah champions the #HighlightREAL hashtag and I give the new Real Lives exam a nice plug too as well as describe the impact that little changes to our software can have on our daily lives.
Our tech talk interview for this episode is with Daren White who explains many useful ways language teachers can use Google tools in the classroom including giving feedback with gifs with Keep and Docs, creating One Stop Animation with Slides, enabling Voice Typing in Docs to create dictations, running Auto translate with Sheets and using the Explore feature in Docs and Sheets.
Full show notes with clickable timestamps can be found at: https://mfltwitteratipodcast.com/EP5
If you've enjoyed this episode of the #mfltwitterati podcast, please rate and review us on Apple's Podcasts app so more language teachers can find us. You can subscribe to the #mfltwitterati podcast on the Apple Podcasts app, Google podcasts, Spotify, Overcast or Stitcher or wherever you listen to your podcasts. For more information and links, go to our podcast site mfltwitteratipodcast.com where there are lots of references to this episode content and all the previous episodes too!
The #mfltwitterati podcast - Celebrating the voices of the modern language teaching community!
Thank you for listening!
Joe and Noah

Saturday Apr 20, 2019
Saturday Apr 20, 2019

If you've enjoyed this episode of the #mfltwitterati podcast, please rate and review us on Apple's Podcasts app so more language teachers can find us. You can subscribe to the #mfltwitterati podcast on the Apple Podcasts app, Google podcasts, Spotify, Overcast or Stitcher or wherever you listen to your podcasts. For more information and links, go to our podcast site mfltwitteratipodcast.com where there are lots of references to this episode content and all the previous episodes too!
The #mfltwitterati podcast - Celebrating the voices of the modern language teaching community!
Thank you for listening!
Joe and Noah

Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Sunday Mar 17, 2019

If you've enjoyed this episode of the #mfltwitterati podcast, please rate and review us on Apple's Podcasts app so more language teachers can find us. You can subscribe to the #mfltwitterati podcast on the Apple Podcasts app, Google podcasts, Spotify, Overcast or Stitcher or wherever you listen to your podcasts. For more information and links, go to our podcast site mfltwitteratipodcast.com where there are lots of references to this episode content and all the previous episodes too!
The #mfltwitterati podcast - Celebrating the voices of the modern language teaching community!
Thank you for listening!
Joe and Noah

Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
#EP 2 - Virtual Reality, Translation and TechTalk interview with David Shanks
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019

You can follow Joe (@joedale) and Noah (@SenorG) on Twitter, and follow the hashtag #mfltwitteratipodcast for more info. You can also email us with questions or ideas, info@mfltwitteratipodcast.com and subscribe to our newsletter to keep updated about the latest episode.
If you've enjoyed this episode of the #mfltwitterati podcast, please rate and review us on Apple's Podcasts app so more language teachers can find us. You can subscribe to the #mfltwitterati podcast on the Apple Podcasts app, Google podcasts, Spotify, Overcast or Stitcher or wherever you listen to your podcasts. For more information and links, go to our podcast site mfltwitteratipodcast.com where there are lots of references to this episode content and all the previous episodes too!
The #mfltwitterati podcast - Celebrating the voices of the modern language teaching community!
Thank you for listening!
Joe and Noah

Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
You can follow Joe (@joedale) and Noah (@SenorG) on Twitter, and follow the hashtag #mfltwitteratipodcast for more info. You can also email us with questions or ideas, info@mfltwitteratipodcast.com and subscribe to our newsletter to keep updated about the latest episode.
If you've enjoyed this episode of the #mfltwitterati podcast, please rate and review us on Apple's Podcasts app so more language teachers can find us. You can subscribe to the #mfltwitterati podcast on the Apple Podcasts app, Google podcasts, Spotify, Overcast or Stitcher or wherever you listen to your podcasts. For more information and links, go to our podcast site mfltwitteratipodcast.com where there are lots of references to this episode content and all the previous episodes too!
The #mfltwitterati podcast - Celebrating the voices of the modern language teaching community!
Thank you for listening!
Joe and Noah